Contactless debit card Mastercard with national and international access

Home | Retail Customers | Cards | Debit Cards | Contactless debit card Mastercard with national and international access
0700 1 58 85
02/93 00 181 - phone number for 24/7 contact with the bank's cardholders
02/93 00 181
phone number for 24/7 contact with the bank's cardholders
Exchange Rates
Buy Sell BNB
Fixed Rate
EUR 1.94620 1.96000 1.95583
USD 1.81924 1.89624 1.86412
CHF 2.06390 2.14390 2.10191
GBP 2.32193 2.40193 2.36126
All exchange rates


Product Parameters

  • It is issued to payment accounts in BGN;
  • 36 -month validity term;
  • Contactless and contact functionality when performing transactions at ATMs, POS terminals and Virtual POS terminals in the country and abroad.


  • Card product for daily payments, receiving payments under employment contracts, benefits, scholarships, pensions and others;
  • No basic card issuance fee;
  • Possibility of issuing up to 10 additional cards;
  • Monthly card maintenance fee BGN 2.50 (basic/additional);
  • Automatic registration for the 3Ds Secure Internet ;
  • SMS notification for payments made;
  • Opportunity for automatic payment of household bills with a “Electronic household bills” service registration.;
  • Contactless payments without entering a PIN for amounts up to BGN 100, within the commercial network and at validating devices in urban transport and the metro, in the country and abroad;
  • Possibility of receiving transfers to a card (money send).