Employees of state-budget enterprises and trade companies.

Home | Retail Customers | Employees of state-budget enterprises and trade companies.
0700 1 58 85
02/93 00 181 - phone number for 24/7 contact with the bank's cardholders
02/93 00 181
phone number for 24/7 contact with the bank's cardholders
Exchange Rates
Buy Sell BNB
Fixed Rate
EUR 1.94620 1.96000 1.95583
USD 1.81924 1.89624 1.86412
CHF 2.06390 2.14390 2.10191
GBP 2.32193 2.40193 2.36126
All exchange rates


Individuals working in budget organizations, budget enterprises or trade companies with over 50% state and/or municipal shareholding

Consumer loan

Size up to BGN 50 000
Term up to 10 years (120 months)
Annual interest rate Preferential interest rate
Fees and commissions
  • for creditworthiness and collateral analysis;
  • for early repayment of the loan - no commission.
Bonus for recipients of consumer loans Free "Life" insurance for amounts up to BGN 100 000

Mortgage Loan

Term up to 30 years
Annual interest rate Preferential interest rate
Fees and commissions
  • for creditworthiness and collateral analysis;
  • for renegotiation in case of interest rate changes;
  • For evaluation of the property - according to the Tariff of the appraising company;
  • for collateral checks with regards to entries in the property register;
  • for mortgage deletion.
Bonus for recipients of consumer loans Free "Life" insurance for amounts up to BGN 100 000